All my cats have been either screened or parental
screened for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and PKD. They have all had Genetic Testing done and show clear on over 42 genetic diseases.
Schoenweg Royal Crystal of Sasszkats (Schnocki)

Schnocki as we call him at home is my sweet loving boy, or some times I call him Mr. Grumpy for he seems to always look grumpy, even though he is not a grump. Schnocki means little lamb in Austria and that is what he is, so sweet and loving. He is a gorgeous, big, Coby body Blue Silver Lynx Point with gorgeous blue eyes. He is my Purr baby due to the minute you start petting him he starts his motor running. He is very very affectionate and wants as much attention as you can bestow on him. He does not do well in shows since he really is a one person kitty and prefers not to be the center of attention. He has given me lots of very beautiful, well adjusted, super sweet loving personality kittens. He is truly a Champion if only he would allow me to show him 🙂 but no matter I know he is a Champion just with out the title 🙂
Update: I took Schnocki to a show in Jan 2019 .. he did very well getting 600 points but no final to get his championship. He hated every minute of it. So for this reason I will only take him to one more show when he is around 2 years old (more developed so he will do better with the older cats) to hopefully get him a final and his Championship. Once he gets that I will not take him to any more shows since he hates it so much. My thought is that I will wait for one of his babies that has the temperament for shows and go for grand champion or higher.

Sasszkats Sunny Delight
Sasszkats Sunny Delight
Sunny is the new King in waiting 🙂 He was born on April 16th, 2023 to Ginger and Schnocki. He is a beautiful Sable Silver Chinchilla Point. He also carries a chocolate gene, and since Giselle does also, I should also have some Chocolate Silver Kittens from them. I will allow him to mate with some of my girls in the Fall of 2024. To see how he does and what his babies will look like. If all goes well then he will eventually replace his dad. He is a fun loving happy boy who loves to play and see what he can get into 🙂 He makes me laugh a lot with his little antics but has a very mellow, gentle side that loves to cuddle and be close to me. He always sleeps with me at night. He is good size like his dad and his chubby little cheeks are really starting to show now.

FortisFortuna Jasmine of Sasszkats
This sweet little lady just arrived at the cattery in Oct 2020. She is a Black Silver Shaded with green Eyes. She was born on 5/09/2020. The
minute I received her she was giving me kisses and hugs. Such a little jewel with such Huge eyes. My friend calls her my Alien Cat due to her big wide open round eyes. When she arrived at the cattery I had 14 baby kittens running around and she was in heaven with so many playmates. It did not take her any time to fit right in with the rest of family. She is smaller then my other females but has a super big personality that will make you laugh with all her little antics. She loves to cuddle and lay in your lap any chance she gets. I have a feeling she will have some super cute babies with huge personalities to match.
If you would like to see Jasmine’s past kittens please click here

Nonpareil Starlight Dreams
This Beautiful little lady just arrived at the cattery in August 2022. She is a Black Silver Chinchilla Point. She was born on 3/05/2022. This little lady is a dream come true. She has the best and sweetest disposition ever. She loves to let you know how much she loves you by coming and rubbing against your leg with soft little chirping noises. She has the biggest blue eyes that just make you melt in to them. She came to me from Ukraine and had a very long journey but when she got here she was so sweet and purring like crazy .. she feel asleep in my friends arms on the ride back home. I am really excited to see the beautiful kittens she will produce. The photos I have are when she was just 4 months old but hopefully I will get some recent photos once she reaches around 1 year old.

Giselle Moon & Stars
This little lady is the newest addition to my queens this year 2022. She is a Black Silver Chinchilla .. with super emerald green eyes. I have been looking for a Green Eyed Chinchilla for over 2 years .. a very rare coloring .. normally Chinchillas have blue eyes so I feel very pleased to have this little beauty. She was born on March 2nd 2022 and she came from Russia.. so she too had a very long journey to arrive here. She is a little love bug and is the most vocal of all my cats. She truly lets you know when she wants attention .. which is most of the time :). She had her champion title when I received her … she got it at her first show when she was only 4 months old. She also is much bigger than my other queens so she should have some very big beautiful kittens.
Retired or Passed Cattery Kittys
The below cats are ones that have either been retired and rehomed or passed on .. They will always hold a very dear spot and love in my heart. They were exceptional kitties and I will always remember them for the treasures they are.
Paula Monoghan (Ginger)
I retired Paula in Sept 2023 since she had a B blood type which meant her milk could be fatal to kittens with A Blood type. She now resides in San Francico with a wonderful lady that adores her :). I did keep one of her male kittens that was born on April 16th 2023 to see if he will make a good King of the Cattery since Schnocki is about ready to retire. His name is Sasszkats Sunny Delight.
Paula is new to the cattery as of March 31st 2022. She was born on 09-07-2020. She is Golden Chinchilla Point, which is a new color to my cattery. She came from a wonderful breeder in Istanbul, Turkey. She had a long long journey to get here, and even with that, when she came out of the carrier she was all purrs and immediately began making biscuits (kneeding) and kissing me. She has such a loving and sweet personality. She accepted all my other cats with out an issue. My male has been totally taken by her and will not leave her side 🙂 Its so cute to watch the two of them. She has a wonderful pedigree as well, so I am really looking forward to seeing the kittens she will bring to the cattery. I will update with more photos as the years go by 🙂
she gave birth to her first litter on Sept. 26th 2022

Sasszkats Crystal Rose

I had to retire Crystal Rose in May 2022 due to complication after her last birth in March. For her health it was best to retire her and find her a wonderful forever home. She now resides with her sister Amber Rose with Shawna who loves and adores them. They are both very happy contented girls :). It was hard to give these two girls up but now my heart is happy when I get photos and updates on how will they are doing 🙂
Crystal is a little doll. She too is a Blue Silver Chinchilla Point with gorgeous blue eyes. She is the sister to Amber Rose, so she was born on Sept 1 2018 and parents are Maddy and Skylar. She is bigger and leaner than her sister but is a beauty. She is mostly all white except silver on her ears, tail and just a touch on her paws. No color on her face compared to her sister which means with that all white round face, her big blue round eyes stand out like bright little pools that you just could melt into. She has the softest silky coat of hair you can ever imagine. She is much quieter then her sister and more paying attention to who and what is going on. But she loves to play and cuddle. And when the two of them start playing together they are tearing through my house like little wild fires. Its a true joy to watch them. She has such beautiful well tempered kittens that love to cuddle and yet with an independent side.
If you would like to see her Past kittens please click here

Sasszkats Amber Rose

I retired Amber Rose in April 2022 due to having a hard time (C-section) with her last litter of kittens. She still resides with me.
Amber Rose was born Sept 1 2018. She is a Blue Silver Chinchilla Point. Her Parents are Maddy and Skylar. She is a true beauty a very light cream color over all with shades of silver on ears , and a light chocolate coloring to her face, tail and tiny bit on her paws. She has a great, beautiful coat on her .. very thick, dense and feels like velvet. Plus she has a wonderful Coby body to boot. With a very round little head and big round blue eyes. I took her to a show when she was 4 months old and she won 6 first Best of Breed, 3 2nd Best of Breed and 2 3rd Best of Breed, but no finals :(. I am sure that was due to her age. Over half the judges made excellent comments on her so I was very proud. She has a very mischief playful side to her and has given me hours of smiles and laughter. She also loves to cuddle and sleeps curled up close to my head at night. She is the best mom ever… She actually started taking care of the other kittens when the moms were away when she was around 6 months old. She has now became a mom of her own and is a totally devoted mom. Her kittens are amazing little beauties.
If you would like to see her past kittens click here

Estee Gregori Al Gato of Sasszkats (Nina)
I retired Nina in April 2021. She had beautiful kittens and was a fantastic mom and such a little doll. It was a very hard decision but she carried a long hair gene that was very dominant and meant all her litters would have at least 1/2 that were Longhair Brits. Since I only want to breed British Shorthairs I felt it was time to place her with a wonderful loving forever family that lives in Pleasanton Ca. Thank you so much Hannah and family for taking such loving care of her for me.
This little lady has a huge name for such a small sweet little thing :). She is my biggest Queen weighing just over 8lbs. She actually goes by Nina at home. She is a Black Silver Shaded (Green Eyes). She is my replacement Queen for my other female Maddy whom I retired in May of 2019. I received her in March 2020, her birthday is July 6th 2018. She is a little doll and has the most interesting eyes. She comes from a very long line of champions and was born in Russia. Her father is an International Grand Champion Blue Silver Point and her mom is a Grand Champion Black Silver Shaded. She is a super good mom and has a very loving gentle soul, purrs anytime you pet her and loves to cuddle. Her kittens come in a wide variety of silver colored kittens including British Longhair :).. both blue and green eyes.
If you would like to see her past kittens please click here
Schoenweg Alice Moon of Sasszkats

When she came to me her name was Alice Moon(registered name) but my grandson wanted to call her Maddy. So now that is what her name is at home :). She is a bit more on the reserved side and must inspect everything and everyone before she will warm up to you. This is one reason I will not show her for she prefers to be in the background watching. She loves to travel with Skylar to shows and be his buddy in there cage when he isn’t being shown. She is highly intelligent and once she warms up to you she wants to be loved and held every chance she gets. She is a super mother very devoted, caring and always on guard for any harm that might befall the little bundles of joy. She is a beautiful, small Black Silver Shaded British Shorthair her birth date is 5/25/2017 so is still a very young cat. I have high hopes for her and the beautiful kittens she will bring to the cattery. I retired Maddy in June 2019. She now live with my Best friend and is a very loving and happy kitty.
If you would like to see her past kittens please click here
Schoenweg Prince Skylar of Sasszkats

In Loving Memory
Skylar crossed the rainbow bridge on Sept 7th 2018 due to a tragic accident. He had bestowed a beautiful litter of kittens on us before he passed. They were born Sept 1st 2018 (I wanted to wait till spring 2019 but Skylar jumped the gun, which I am thankful for now). I have decided to keep his 2 beautiful female kittens to carry on his remarkable lines. You can read about them above, there names are Amber Rose and Crystal Rose.
Skylar is my foundation male. He is a beautiful Blue Silver Lynx Point. A very unique and rare color. He is the most loving, playful and funny cat. He loves and demands attention. At shows he struts and wants everyone to notice him. At home he will be the first to greet you either by jumping in your lap or sitting right next to you. He loves all people and animals alike. He has been the apple of my eye since he joined my family. He came from Austria which was a 17 hour trip and I figured he would be scared for a few days upon arrival but when he came out of the crate he wanted as much attention as he could get and wanted to play with my grandson right away. He is my show cat and hopefully this year he will become the Champion I know he is :). His Birthdate is 9-7-2017 so he still is a teenager and has several years to grow into adulthood.